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NIBATV: Rachel Botsman's 2014 NIBA Convention presentation highlights
Rachel Botsman - Trust Me, I'm a Stranger
Rachel Botsman - Crowd Forum (October 2017) - Who Can You Trust?
RachelBotsman 2012G 480p
Rachel Botsman's talk at Wired 2011
TEDxSydney - Rachel Botsman & Jonathan Marshall - Speaker Interviews
NIBA 2014 December Ft. Lauderdale Conference Speaker Sunny Barkats
Rachel Botsman @SaxtonSpeakers Australia Speaks
Rachel Botsman: How we treat people will ultimately drive our world | Money | WIRED
Official NIBA 2015 June California Conference Video
Rachel Botsman - WOBI | Capital Inteligente
The Uber-ization of CPAs